Eggplant recipe for weight loss

Fruit is one of the greatest allies in the fight against the balance and in lowering cholesterol

For anyone who is looking for a formula to lose weight fast, the eggplant juice may be the answer. The fruit is a powerful ally of weight loss and fight abdominal fat. Rich in vitamins and fiber, it can lower cholesterol, reduce steps and improve health.

Properties and benefits of eggplant

The food contains vitamins and antioxidants, which prevent against disease, aging and inflammation. However, its main benefit is the high concentration of fibers present in both the shell and in eggplant water.

With similar properties, eggplant flour offers almost as many benefits as the fruit itself and is also a great way to lose weight.

Soluble and insoluble fibers

The rind of the fruit is rich in insoluble fiber, which are those that our body can not absorb. They function as a sort of sponge in the stomach, sucking the fat and bile, and eliminate them through the feces. In addition, this type of aid component in the formation of feces, contributing to the smooth functioning of the intestine.

Have the eggplant water contains enough soluble fiber. They help to prolong satiety and food digestion time, causing the body has to work harder to it (and hence increasing energy expenditure), and the fats and sugars in the meal ingested from being absorbed gradually by blood, and not all at once, avoiding then the peaks of blood glucose and cholesterol in blood.

Suco é feito com berinjela fatiada e laranja. Se desejar, acrescente semente de linhaça (Thinkstock)

Thus, the benefits of raw aubergine include:

Cholesterol reduction and blood glucose in the blood
Fight against abdominal fat
Reduction of swelling, have a diuretic effect
Improves bowel functioning
Metabolism acceleration
Hunger reduction
Preventing diseases and inflammation
Eggplant weight loss

The juice is very easy to prepare and should be taken daily, fasting.


½ eggplant shell
1 cup water
2 oranges

To make the eggplant water, slice the fruit into slices and soak in the glass of water overnight. This will cause the fibers to be released from food, enriching the net with all its properties.

In the morning, the eggplant puree in a blender along with the water and the juice of two oranges. Drink below.

Tip: To maximize the benefits, add the juice a tablespoon of seed soup ground golden flaxseed.

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