Reader loses 39 kg, gives up and returns love for bariatric body

When Isabel Polezer, 33, saw the scale score 108 kg and began to be bothered by the lack of clothes for overweight people, she decided, would make the stomach reduction surgery. Problems with a medical report, however, caused the mining realize that could change your body with diet and exercise. Today, a year and a half later, Isabel commemorates the loss of 35 kg, the resumption of self-esteem and improving their health. She contacted the Bolsa de Mulher through the Facebook site, wanting to tell her story and seeking to inspire other women. We talked to Isabel to know how she managed to accomplish the feat and desist from "going under the knife."

Drink fattening? Bohemia made weight exceeds 100 kg

Isabel said she had always been "chubby", but things started to worsen in adulthood because of lifestyle she led. Owner of a beauty salon in the city of Pará de Minas, Minas Gerais, she never had an orderly routine feeding. "I was working the whole time and could not stop to eat. Sometimes I was all day without feed. And when he came in the night, I was starving and ate 'an ox' "he jokes.

Two great vices in Isabel's view, were striking for her to gain weight: the sweet and bohemia. The intake of sugary treats was daily and in large quantities, and the bohemian life, a reality all weekend. "I drank a lot of beer, lots of it. And I ended up eating appetizers too. So Friday, Saturday and Sunday I ate and drank all night. When I started living alone, he worsened. It was just bullshit, just crap. I did not eat real food. This was only increasing my weight, "he says.

To complete, Isabel had always been sedentary before. "I had never done any exercise until a little after 30 years."

Skinny husband and difficult to buy clothes began to annoy
Even when the scale exceeded 100 kg Isabel, which measures 1.65 m, it has not bothered with fat. "I was a happy fat, quiet, made fun of my own condition. I never had a problem with it. Placed a legging and a shirt and go anywhere, "he recalls.

However, difficult to buy clothes and the fact that her husband be thin and do plenty of exercise just making Isabel began to get depressed. "He's athletic, he is slim. He never told me anything about me being overweight. But I myself began to think too much about the people could be talking about us ... he was exercising, and I, fat, "she explains.

Moreover, Isabel went on to have a hard time finding clothes which liked, facing prejudice in stores. "Gordo suffered a lot of prejudice also when buying clothing. You have to come and ask if there's anything that serves you, not what really pleased you. I did not think beautiful clothes for me. Fat suit has no model, has nothing. And the sellers glaze over, "he says.

Psychiatric assessment for bariatric surgery: the doctor did not release

Bothered with what was weighing 108 kg, she started for the first time in his life to become depressed. With low self-esteem, did not want to leave home, and looking for a quick solution to their problem. So almost two years ago, my first thought was to bariatric surgery.

"I really wanted change and was determined to make the reduction. I did all the tests for the surgery, inclusive. But needed a psychiatrist's report to move on, "he explains. And that's when Isabel found her "problem": the psychiatrist did not give the report. "He said he sympathized with me, and for him it was much easier to give the report, because I go away, do surgery and ready, I would be 'free' it. But he thought I could lose weight with diet and exercise. He said he was finding myself depressed and barred me, "says Isabel. She says that, shortly thereafter, was desperate because he was relying on surgery. "But then he gave me a light. I thought 'I'm going to get, I can'. And I enrolled in a gym. "

Triathlon to lose weight
The mining account that the psychiatrist not only suggested her to do exercise - jogging was a medical prescription. "He asked me to seek out a nutritionist as well. And first try in this way. If it did not work, again we would think in surgery, "he recalls.

She followed the recommendations and sought an exercise she liked and that to do. "I was too heavy, so I wanted something that I could run on water. I started practicing triathlon. And dieting, "says Isabel.

The nutritionist, first of all, asked that Isabel stop drinking. The sweets were also cut off from the menu, and times to feed, relocated. She also could not eat poor quality carbohydrates.

The mining ensures, however, that the diet was not highly restrictive. "I learned to eat everything, real food, but always in small quantities. At work, I put the alarm to remember to eat every three hours. I stop working and eat something, one small bar, a fruit, a yogurt. Always found a space between the customers to get lunch and do everything right, "he says.

How to change their lives and lose weight

Isabel remembers that the first three months were very difficult: it was difficult to resist the sweet and drink; then, she rarely left the house because without drinking out was something impossible. And, to the gym, she was obliged, "crawling". "But when I started to see results, it became easier. I boarded it, it has become a normal thing for me. I came out, I saw that gives out without drinking. Exercise changes the lives of people, "he says.

The mining remember that the most difficult was to stay away from sweets. To circumvent the will, she bought cereal bars with chocolate icing. "When I was not holding, I ate one." Elizabeth now ingests fresh once a week.

Alcohol is also released on the same basis, but she decided never to drink. "I was afraid that if he took a cup, begin to take a lot. I better stop, and it makes me miss. I left like because I started to think differently, to think that would hinder me in my training. The head is another, "he explains.

Isabel practiced triathlon for a year, three times a week, until they decided to change the mode by muay thai, practicing on the same basis. "I needed to do weight training, but do not like. So, I chose to fight, because it burns a lot of calories and tones the same time. You end up doing abdominal squat without pumping iron. I think I made enough difference in my body, "she believes.

The support of family and husband, who cooked the things she could eat and encouraged to exercise, was instrumental in that it does not give up. "I thought about quitting everything, yes. But focused on the goal. I thought I wanted better health, he wanted to look good in a suit. And there passed that will give up. I will not say that I did not fall into temptation, because I gave a slip. But nothing I would not compensate later with workout, "he says.

Today, with 73 kg, Isabel wants to slim down a little more, but is content with her body, feeling good in their own skin and with other relationship with the mirror. For those who want to embark on healthy living and fails, she has a simple tip: take the first step. "This is the most important, in my opinion. The beginning is the hardest. But you have to decide that you really want to lose weight. And start".

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